A public performance conceived by Marinella Senatore in Naples on June 2024 in order to enhance community engagement and emphasize the message of collective participation. Local associations were invited to perform during the inaugural evening of her new display "There is so much we can learn from the sun". The parade started from Parco Ventaglieri and moved towards Le Scalze, a significant site for the neighborhood, creating a direct connection with the community. Esprit Concrete, long-time collaborators with the artist, whose work focuses on using movement and interaction with physical and emotional spaces to promote individual and community well-being, along with other local associations, participated in the performance. All groups are known for their commitment to promoting social justice and equality through performing arts. The involved associations included LGBTQI+ groups, organizations committed to social justice, gender equality, and the empowerment of marginalized communities. The performance emphasized the importance of giving back to the community and focused on individual empowerment and personal growth within the community context, using body and performing arts as expressive tools. Many members of these groups had participated in the first edition of the School of Narrative Dance (SOND) in Naples in 2019, creating a bridge to the present and strengthening the bond with the community.